An-Nafaqah Islamic Foundation


About Us

"O you who have believed, do not invalidate your charities with reminders or injury as does one who spends his wealth to be seen by the people"


“An-Nafaqah Islamic foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental Islāmic organization established and registered with the Nigerian corporate affairs commission in the month of Rajab 1440 AH, with incorporation number CAC/IT/NO 125786 and founded on the core Muslims tenets of supporting the weak and lending a hand to the needy. In a team work with the people and communities we serve, we strive to make lasting impact, sustainable improvements and increase Muslims’ capacity to build a better Islamic environment.”

At the end of 2018, The World Poverty Clock ranked Nigeria the Poverty Capital of the World overtaking India, with about 91.6 million Nigerians in extreme poverty. The National Bureau of Statistics maintained that the worst hit states in extreme poverty in Nigeria are the Muslim Northern states with more than 60% of
the population living below the poverty line (the basic needs of an
individual). Poverty rate ranges between 95.3% in Jigawa to 54.2% in Kaduna states.

Similarly, the Global Burden of Disease established that about 450,000 Nigerians die every year from lack of proper health care ranging from malaria to waterborne
diseases and HIV/AIDS. This very phenomenal reports showed that Muslim communities suffer the most from these health challenges.

A look through Muslim States in Nigeria reveals that aside Poverty and high rates of ill-health, Muslims have been backward in education just as Unemployment Rates have been very high. And because an estimate of 53% of Nigerian Muslim population are in the Rural Areas; attention has been very poor to this.

It all started in 2018 as a neighborhood and community assistance group catering for the needs of individuals during Ramadhan, which a handful of dedicated individuals contributed and also organized a fundraiser online which a little above 100,000 was donated, food stuffs were bought and shared to the local community in Kinkinau and Malalin Gabas, Kaduna. This little effort really put a smile on the faces of those in needs. With this achievement, the birth of An-Nafaqah Foundation came into existence

At An-Nafaqah Foundation, we are dedicated to creating meaningful and lasting change in the lives of those in need. Our volunteers and supporters have been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals and make a difference in the world.

An-Nafaqah Foundation have made great strides in identifying communities in need. We have worked tirelessly to address the pressing issues facing our community, from feeding the needy during Ramadhan, well construction, establishment of Islamic footprints, Clothing the needy, Zakat disbursement and Medical Outreach.

However, we know that our work is far from perfect. There is still much to be done, and we must remain vigilant in our efforts to bring about positive change. That is why I am proud to announce to you that, with your support, we are confident that we can make a lasting impact and bring about meaningful change in the lives of those in need of quality Islamic and Western Education to uplift their socio-economic well-being.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support of An-Nafaqah Foundation. Your contributions, whether through time, resources, or financial support, are what make our work possible. 

Together, let us continue to make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

The Chairman


To establish a highly educated and enlightened Muslim community that is thriving economically and dedicated to Islamic precepts and values.


To significantly reduce poverty rate, alleviate sufferings in Muslim communities and create conducive learning environment with state of mind.


We are motivated by the principles of Islām to care for those who suffer. Our faith in Allāh inspires us to always give out our best in all circumstances.
